The Best Apple Pie (You'll Ever Have)

Imagine with me a world where he or she has been missing for awhile. How do they re-arrive? Well, musical artists come roaring back to the stage with an update to their style, creating a self-applied relevancy to their music. Athletes come running back onto the field with an urgency, taking it upon themselves to put their team at the pinnacle of success. Sometimes they reach that high note. (See: Madonna) Sometimes they fumble. (See: Favre) And sometimes it remains to be seen. (See: Confabulation in the Kitchen)
I could bring to the table a recipe of invention and individuality, in which I showcase the Next Big Thing. Or I could sneak in without letting the screen door slam and leave on your counter a pie that will tickle your taste buds and maybe take you back to that place you've been missing, be it your grandmother's kitchen or your parents' patio. To be honest, that's all I really want. I want to be a back-door friend, one who doesn't have to knock. I want to be a dependable friend, one who brings you apple pie when you're happy or when you're sad. Mostly I want to be that friend who shares recipes with you over a cup of coffee, recipes that you can count on to nourish your family and not break the bank. That's what I was before, I hope. Won't you invite me in for another chat?
I've made this pie many times over the last, oh, 15 years or so. It's my favorite apple pie recipe because it tastes like what you've always loved when it comes to apple pie, but it's a bit more special. It's good for family. It's good for company. It's just good, and there isn't really anything I'd change about it. It's messy. It's sweet. It's lovely. So to give credit where credit is due: Go check out Kendra's Apple Pie!